In our travels in India, we saw many lepers, a horrible third world disease which is still a big problem there.
Of the many physical challenges lepers have, the greatest is how the disease of leprosy prevents sensations.
Not feeling pain causes injuries that create bigger problems than the disease itself. It is not a pleasant thing to think about, let alone to experience, so I shall not elaborate. But the point is relevant relative to the role of pain in our lives.
Pain and discomfort has its place. If we didn’t experience it we wouldn’t be aware of the need to change. If we did not feel heat when touching fire… did not pull away from a sharp object, etc., greater harm would ensue.
Discord and discomfort can only come from being out of alignment with our own soul and the truth of who we are.
So rather than getting caught up in the pain or discomfort, what if we welcome it and how it is there to get our attention so we may attend to it and more quickly learn and grow.
That may sound idealistic, but with a little reflection we can come to know the truth of it. When we are aligned there is no struggle, no matter the circumstance. When our outer life is not reflecting our inner life, there is friction and tension.
The more we heed the signs within us and around us, the faster we learn and grow and the greater the joy.
So the next time you’re out of sorts, consider welcoming that feeling like an old friend come to visit… to check on you and see how you’re doing. Sit with it and ask it what s/he wants you to know, and what you can do to move into alignment with joy.
Activity, creativity, servitude and gratitude turns pain to pearls.
But if you’re feeling stuck…
Transformation through creation.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
The day is the way.