Subject: A Healing Tribute

Hello... hello... hello, Friend❣️🙏🏼🤗

My family and I did the Walk for the World Meditation on 9/23... can't believe it's been so long since we connected here! And I continued doing that daily for the week afterward.

Before and after that, I've been prepping for, then catching up after the opportunity for an advanced follow-up meditation retreat with Dr. Joe, 10/5 -10/9

I'm SO, SO GRATEFUL for these opportunities!!! These Spiritual meditation retreats—beginning August, 2022—have been my first 4 "vacations" in a decade. And these have been exactly my favorite kind of trip.

Tripping through inner and outer worlds and bringing the two into sync.


If you're interested and can go, I strongly recommend it for so very many reasons and benefits.

These nurture the spirit and re-energize in long-lasting and sustainable ways.

I'm pondering deeply, how and what else I may share, and who might be interested, for more of what's occupying heart and mind these days are of the mystical. And based on that daily experience, this will only continue to expand and grow.

Meanwhile, I encountered this LOVELY poem while searching (of all things) tree propagation videos for our gardening website!

Many of the daily mystical happenings involve such serendipitous synchronicities, and as touched on in previous emails titled "Magic Numbers", and "Signs".

I found this poem and video by a lovely creator to be most inspiring and thought you might also enjoy it!

Here are the lovely words, but I hope you may also trip over to YouTube to see her reciting them herself and the lovely dancer, paying tribute to it all.

A Poem for Those on a Healing Journey


will not be how it was

Because I 

am no longer who I was

I have become the savior I once longed for.

A sweet drop to satisfy a parched tongue so it might begin to sing its song

I have risen to protect the little girl within me

 I trust this moment

 I will take my own hand, 

I will surrender the journey and what it brings 

I will choose to keep my heart open in a world that constantly pushes it to close

Falling deeply and madly in love with the uniqueness of every moment,

Knowing it will pass, I will feel it all anyway.

I will find a way to love reality more than fantasy,

For I have already lost too many moments into the trance of otherness,

And I have run out of flowers for their graves.

I will trust my body

I will hear the cries of each cell that bursts with a story to tell 

Knowing my flesh as the most beautifully intricate and complex mechanism imaginable

I will melt my mind into oneness with her being.

And when I feel truth cooking up a beat inside me 

I will let it burst out with a song on my lips

And the sway of my hips

I am ecstasy in motion

An expression of perfection in a moment sized form.

And in every moment I will express it all fully

When I am high I will soar and dance and shout,

I will praise the sun and soak her in

And when I am low I will become slow, I will hold myself and let her break in my hands

I will let joy awaken me 

Feeling the breath of god caressing all things

Like fingertips upon soft skin.

There is a richness hidden in silence, so I will let myself pause,

I will add some commas into my story.

And in those moments between,

I will allow my pain to have a voice,

Because I have seen she is not a monster

But a child and when she says she is scared

I will sweep her up into my lap and whisper reminders that its all pretend 

And in the end the villains will take off their masks,

And the light will illuminate the shadows

And all things return back home.

But until then, child.

It's time to play.

~Emily Capshaw, Poet

Transformation through creation in the uniqueness of every moment.
 ☀️🌙 ⭐️

 ~ LeAura

The day is the way.

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