Subject: ☀️A Daily Dip💧

A Daily Dip

Any irritation, anger, frustration, resentment, fear… you name it… ANY NEGATIVE is a positive when we use it to remind us to realign to who and what we really are.

We are souls in form. We are the driver, not the car, we are the love, not the fear, for love is Source (by whatever name  you choose), and we are an extension of that. So any negative is simply our forgetting in that moment, who and what we truly are.

So now, with any… ANY negative experience, we can use that as a signal from the soul to realign with our essence, and we can create a different outcome, for we are creators.

Our sense of being out of sorts in any capacity, is that signal to heed, breathe and realign through the heart. How else does the soul get our attention? 

Our essence is an infinite well of goodness and joy, of love and light and is available for a daily dip whenever we need a sip.

Transformation through creation in awe and wonder.
 ☀️🌙 ⭐️

 ~ LeAura

The day is the way.

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