Did you know that you can have a beautiful year, no matter what happens?
Of one thing we can be certain:
We are NOT what happens to us.
We are free to choose in each moment who we will be in our presence and our responses, our actions and our choices.
To create daily, is to become increasingly consciously awake and aware of how the choices we make and the actions we take create the experience we have no matter what.
Whomever it is that you decide you wish to be… whatever kind of person, you become that by being that, no matter what happens around you or to you.
In other words…
Here are some examples… please add your own thoughts/ideas to your own list and/or to share with the community.
I am not only gracious when someone is kind,
I am gracious because I am that, especially when it is hard to be.
I am not only generous when wealth is abundant,
I am generous because I am that and I align with the abundant universe.
I am not only happy when things are going well,
I am happy because I align with the joy of my soul.
I am not only loving when I am being loved, or when it is easy to.
I am loving because that… is… who… I… am.
"When the creator is creating, he is a vessel for the expression of the Divine, and the manifestation is the art he makes."
SOURCE: The Book of Truth, clairaudient Paul Selig
This is the time of change. And it is the time of choice.
SOURCE: I Am the Word book, by clairaudient Paul Selig
I’m choosing the Way of The Light… creativity and positivity… courage and fearlessness… kindness and compassion… and LOVE above all.
Perhaps you’ll join me?
Let’s make today WONDERFUL… no matter what... by who and what we are. Divinity in expression…the light of the soul shining brightly from the darkness of matter.
After a week’s break with some time and space for reflection, I’m still sorting out my must-do’s versus can’t-not-do’s… responsibilities versus compellings… work to live, versus lifework.
AND… that includes the greater service to you and the iCD community.
I do not yet know all the details of what will unfold, but I do know that I’m committed to serve. I hope that includes something of benefit to you here. The greater “what” will be sorted out this first half of 2022.
2022 GOAL?
How about you? Have you identified a focus goal for this year? If not, don’t worry. Begin with a goal for each today. Each day we align with a purpose to achieve we are setting the rhythm for alignment to a greater purpose.
Would you like to create and share a New Year’s Haiku (or other poem) or art for this article on iCreateDaily?
Wishing you a magnificent 2022… through thick and thin… laughter and tears… may we all grow in grace and love, through that which life brings, and, through that which we bring to life!!!
Transformation through creation.
☀️🌙 ⭐️
~ LeAura
The day is the way.