Subject: 40 Before Breakfast

For Alice, it was six impossible things before breakfast.

For me, it’s 40. But not impossible; just challenging.

Every morning, one of the first things I do is 40 pushups, full-on from the toes, and often while watching the sunrise, followed by 35 squats and 60 pliés.

With each pushup I say (or think), “thank you”.

So, long before breakfast, I’ve gotten in 40 gratitudes and 40 “power moves” that help to strengthen and energize my physical and emotional selves.

Whether it’s just one pushup at first, or 10 or 40, doesn’t matter. The thing is to start, and anyone can do it.


We each have within our current biological makeup, the ability to transform our physical, emotional and mental selves.

I started with 10 pushups and am working my way up to doing the same number as my age, such that every year I add one more daily pushup. I love the idea of being 100 and doing 100 pushups a day for a year!! 💪🏼💖

But this is vastly less about pushups than it is about alchemy and the power we have at any moment to change our state.

Every single effort we make to transform a negative to a positive adds light to us, and to the world.

Whether it’s in the physical body through movement, diet and exercise, the emotional body through gratitude and the mental body through reframing negatives to positives, every effort turns shadow to light, and weakness to strength.

Every effort to turn negatives to positives turns weakness to strength and shadow to light.

Every effort.

PROMPT - should you wish to engage in your medium of choice:

Depict your transmuting negative to positives… shadow to light.

Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️

~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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