Subject: Simple Online Biz Ideas - No Cost!

Here's a cool little resource for the weekend (doesn't cost ANYTHING) that gives you great ideas for simple and low cost online businesses you can start. :-)

Now of course you'll find a few of the normal ideas... Affiliate marketing, creating an information product, etc, but there are some other great ideas and resources in this little PDF!

So if you're looking for an online business and/or just something that you can make some extra coin with, grab this free-resource, take 5 minutes and go through it (yes you have to actually download and READ it) and see what fits for you.

Nothing to lose here except for about 5 minutes of your time if you absolutely can't find anything in it you can put to use. ;-)

But... That's not going to happen. This is actually good!

Grab it at

Kind regards

Chris Harris

PS After getting your online business ideas you'll also be able to download a no cost audio file and a second PDF :-) Enjoy!