Subject: Would you study the attributes of God with me in 2024?

A Special Invitation from the President: Dear Friends, This past year I personally have been blessed by the series


Dear Friends,

This past year I personally have been blessed by the series titled “Matters of Life and Death.” This series was first presented throughout 2023 and involved two weekly articles: on Tuesdays was a teaching on one of the Ten Commandments (and the two “great commandments” highlighted by Jesus), and on Thursdays was a biographical sketch of a historical person.

Each month many of us read how the commandment is reiterated in different parts of Scripture (the Law, Prophets, Gospels, and Epistles). The inspirational stories of people who, with Christ’s power, held fast to God’s Word in their daily lives also encouraged and edified many of us.

I’d like to invite you and your family to join with us in these weekly studies this coming year. For 2024, the topic will be the attributes of God. Using the same schedule as the previous series, on Tuesdays the teaching article will present an attribute of God as seen in Scripture, and on Thursdays the biographical sketch will present a person whose daily life was impacted by that attribute to God’s glory, such as His truth, His omnipotence, or His love. You can join us by subscribing right here.

Our view of God shapes our view of ourselves, establishes our worldview, influences how we live, and has a profound impact on our walk with God. As A. W. Tozer observed: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Thus, studying God’s nature is very fitting as a continuation of this series.

In a very real way, understanding the nature and character of God is a matter of life and death. According to Proverbs 14:27, “The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.”

It is our privilege as His children to reflect God’s holiness and His love to a needy world. I encourage you to join with me in beholding the matchless attributes of God over the coming year, and I look forward to seeing what He will work in each of our lives as we seek Him together.

In Christ,

Timothy A. Levendusky

President, IBLP

“. . . I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”