Subject: Why go on a Fathers' Journey?

Why go on a Fathers' Journey?
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Journey to the Heart is a week-long opportunity to leave the distractions and demands of everyday life and to meet with God in a way you may never have before. This year, we are hosting a Fathers' Journey - the eternal impact of which, we are praying, will not merely stop with your life, but will grow and intensify with every generation after you!

There will be small-group discussions as you move through the Journey workbook, personal time for reflection, and large-group sessions with genuine and relevant testimonies and messages that expound on who God is and how we can trust Him more fully. Our goal is for you to meet with God and be impacted by His living Word.
Cost: Pay what you can!

Fathers, why go on a Journey?

Why spend a week away from your family? Is it really worth the time and the money? Isn’t being with your family and providing for them more important than “selfishly” spending a whole week on "you"?
As Christian fathers, you probably have the deep desire to help your families live for Jesus! But here’s the sobering truth, you can’t know Jesus for them, you can only know Him for yourself. But, knowing Him personally is the greatest way you can draw your family to Him. You can’t force it, but you can live it.
You may think you can't afford the time away from work, your family, or other obligations. Let's trust God that this week away with Him, seeking to know Him in a deeper way, will not just bless us as fathers, but will impact our families as well.
Here's what a young person said: "When my dad would go away on men’s retreats, he would come back so excited about Jesus! It kept Christianity from seeming boring or empty. Seeing my dad determined to focus on God changed our whole family in ways I don’t think we’ll ever really know or understand.”
Cost: Pay what you can
The usual rates for the Journey can be found at, but pay what you can and we’ll trust God to take care of the rest.
Dates: June 18-26, 2016 (Saturday to Sunday)
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