Subject: Which commandment starts "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD"?

A few days before going to the cross, Jesus quoted from this passage called the “Shema Yisrael.”


A Call to Hear

The First and Great Commandment in the Law

Just a few days before He went to the cross, Jesus was teaching in the Temple. He had just answered a trick question from the Sadducees concerning resurrection. When the Pharisees saw that Jesus had silenced their rivals, they asked a question of their own. “. . . One of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” (Matthew 22:35–36).

Jesus answered by citing a key passage of Scripture called the “Shema Yisrael.” The title comes from the Hebrew word for “Hear, O Israel.” This passage is a call to the nation of Israel to pay attention, to listen, to give earnest heed to the commandment about to be given.


Living Lessons on Persuasiveness

The refrigerator door opened and closed many times a day. Day after day, the pattern repeated with more coldness and dryness. Then it happened.

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The things that captivate your thoughts in your free time reveal much about the priorities of your heart.

What does it mean to “cry out” to God?

Your cry to God acknowledges God’s ability to do what no one else can do.


“They Have Removed Their Heart Far from Me”

The dire words of Isaiah might lead us to think that the people of Judah had become atheists. But the people that God was speaking to were the “religious crowd”!

Oswald Chambers: A Wholehearted Commitment

Although he lived to be only 43 years old, his life exemplified a desire to love the Lord with all his heart, soul, and might.


Commands of Christ, Series 1–7 Set

$70.00  $41.99 (Save 40%)

Jesus Christ enables us by His Spirit to have “newness of life” and to have it abundantly! We enjoy this abiding relationship with the Father as we seek to follow Jesus’ example. This is a study of 49 general commands that Christ taught and exemplified to His followers. The seven study booklets are adaptable for a group setting or as a personal study, with each lesson including an in-depth commentary, study questions, names of God, and application questions.


April 8–12, 2024

Big Sandy, Texas

May 4–11, 2024

Big Sandy, Texas