Subject: When Jesus Was Amazed

The centurion sent the Jewish elders to ask Jesus to heal his servant, who was near death.


When Jesus Was Amazed

A centurion’s insights on authority

Jesus once praised a Roman centurion for his faith in Jesus’ authority: “He [Jesus] marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel” (Luke 7:9).

The centurion had sent the elders of the Jews to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant, who was near death. Jesus agreed to go, and while He was on His way to the centurion’s house, the centurion sent a profound message back to Jesus.


How We Can Know That We Know Jesus

If we love others, we want to please them, especially when we know that what they are asking is for our best interest.

Living Lessons on Virtue

A family of ostriches slowly worked its way across a grassy plain. One pair of adults and several younger females wandered in and out of the tall grass. They stopped . . .

Why should I bless those who curse me?

When we experience abuse from others, our natural response is to strike back. One way we can love our enemies is by . . .


Contentment: “Ye Shall Be Satisfied”

A soul truly satisfied with God’s provision is a soul that is living in submission to the tenth commandment, “Thou shalt not covet.”

John Dagg: The Lame, Blind Preacher Who Looked to God

If a pastor ever had an excuse to quit the ministry because of difficult circumstances, it was John Dagg.


Life of Luther

by Barnas Sears

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A man whose long, exhausting search to be sure he was right with God came to a glorious close by resting in Christ’s finished work! On October 31, 1517, he nailed his famous Ninety-five Theses to the doors of the church in Wittenberg, ushering in the Reformation. This fall, spend some time appreciating Martin Luther’s bold steps and great sacrifices to lift the darkness that prevented almost all of Europe from having true faith built on God’s Word.


April 8–12, 2024

Big Sandy, Texas

May 4–11, 2024

Big Sandy, Texas