Subject: What's your next step?

What's your next step?
What's Your Next Step?

Young people, are you considering what you would do and where God would have you this fall? Check out these unique opportunities to invest in others and further your growth.
Verity was created as a higher education program to help you pursue your life calling. Earn a fully-accredited college degree from a biblical perspective with our curriculum and innovative approach. Our mission is to equip students to build their lives around God’s Word and make disciples of all nations.

Our accelerated pace allows you to save time and stay debt-free as you earn your degree in half the time and for half the cost! We’re here to help you take your next step. Join us this fall and apply by July 25th.
Apply to Verity Now!
Have any questions? Contact us or start the application process now and we will follow up with you within one business day! Call us anytime at 317.527.5200 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you.
With VOICE Missions, you can serve as a volunteer English teacher in a school or camp in Taiwan. Teaching children will give you the opportunity to connect with your community and minister to students and their families. 

Working as a missionary can be difficult at times, but this is also a great opportunity for growth as you learn to rely more on God for daily strength. You are given the chance to learn the language, culture, and customs of another country.
All your expenses are covered by sponsors, except for the initial TESOL training and visa/passport expenses. Your sponsor will pay for your airfare to and from Taiwan, your housing, and your living expenses while serving.
This is an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people who may never have heard of Him!
Apply to VOICE Missions Now!
A Testimony from Joanna,
VOICE Missions Volunteer

"Her eyes darted around the classroom, scared and unsure. I stood off to the side, observing. Jenny had a severe phobia of people, and we were asked to make sure she was doing okay during the camp. I made it my special goal that week to encourage her and pray for her however I could. 

"Jenny wouldn’t smile or say more than one word to me at a time. One day I handed her a jump rope and encouraged her to use it – only to have her stand there expressionless for minutes and then put it away. On break times I tried to talk to Jenny, but she didn’t open up. 
"Friday came and I patted her shoulder and told her goodbye. I thought that nothing I did or said had any impact, so I was shocked when I opened up the mailbox that afternoon and found a note from Jenny. One of my Taiwanese friends translated it for me: 'Teacher Joanna, thank you for teaching me English.'
"A little later, a co-worker handed me yet another note from Jenny! I was super excited. Not one, but two notes? I opened it up and read: “Teacher Joanna, I love you!” I marveled. God was working, and God is good!"
Learn More and Apply by July 8!