Subject: The man who gave the Apostles a large gift

Barnabas never wrote a book of the Bible; no record exists of Barnabas ever preaching a sermon.


Barnabas: The Giver Who Encouraged Others

After the glorious days of Pentecost and the early growth of the Church, the Lord raised up a man who became a generous giver, a great encourager, and a loyal friend to the saints. His given name was Joses, but he was soon called Barnabas, a name which means “the son of consolation or encouragement.”

Barnabas never wrote a book of the Bible, and no record exists of Barnabas ever preaching a sermon. Nor did he lead a church or have a ministry of his own, as far as we know. But Barnabas is important not for what he did but rather for those he influenced. In a very real way, influence is power, and Barnabas had the power of encouragement, the power of example, and the ability to give gifts to the Church—gifts that would keep on giving.


Hymn History: “I Gave My Life for Thee”

The young woman who wrote this hymn was moved by the same painting that had stirred Count Zinzendorf more than 100 years earlier.

What are four purposes for money?

Understanding these purposes allows you to see how money relates to God’s work in your life and community.

Applying the Character Quality of Generosity

Generosity is demonstrating the nature of God by wisely reinvesting the resources that He has entrusted to us.


What Does God Require of Men?

God is looking for men who desire to “do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly” with Him. Will you be such a man?

William Brewster: “A Rare Example” of True Love

He knew he was risking everything by uniting with the Separatist Christians, but he loved the truth more than his own life.


Character Clues

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This easy-to-play game is a unique way to bring the whole family together for a fun time of fellowship while learning the operational definitions of character qualities and encouraging the development of these vital qualities in each others’ lives. One variation of the game helps you to learn the corresponding Scripture verses for each quality!