Have you considered Telos?
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Dear ATI Families,

The Telos Institute has been serving the families of ATI and other homeschool families since 1997. Many young people from the United States and other parts of the world have taken advantage of the personalized approach in Telos distance learning, laying a solid foundation for life and preparing for higher education.

You have an opportunity to take advantage of a variety of courses designed specifically for students who are preparing for college or university. These courses are available for students 14 years of age and older.

1. English courses – Telos offers courses designed for students who want to build further confidence in their writing skills and prepare themselves to write at the college level.
ENGL 090 – This course helps you correct any weaknesses in your understanding of English grammar. It also builds habits of correct word usage and punctuation, and guides you in constructing effective paragraphs and essays. You will also work on typing speed and time management.
ENGL 095 – This course begins with a review of grammar, then provides ample practice in writing in various formats. You will also go step by step through the process of writing a research paper.
ENGL 096 – This course provides a six-week review of English writing skills and research, designed for students who wish to prepare for the CLEP Examination in College Composition.

2. Bible courses – Serious students can lay the foundation for a lifetime of Bible study by taking the two Telos preparatory courses in Bible. NOTE: Each of these short courses may be completed in only five weeks. Additional semester-long courses in Bible are also available through Telos.
BIBL 090 (Survey of the Bible) – This course gives you an overview of the entire Bible, helping you understand the overall flow of Scriptural history and the basic facts about each book of the Bible.
BIBL 095 (Methods of Bible Study) – This is an introduction to the principles of careful Bible study. You will learn to observe, interpret, and apply Scripture passages. In addition, you will gain skill in using appropriate sources to study the background, context, grammar, and word meanings of a Bible verse. You will also receive instruction in studying a topic or surveying an entire book of the Bible.

This is only a sample of the many courses available through The Telos Institute. You can explore the other options available by going to the Telos Web site at

Are you interested in registering for courses this spring? If so, you will need to act soon. The deadline for spring registration is January 5. (International students must register by December 8.) Forms posted after these dates are subject to a late fee, so you will want to act promptly.

A note about Telos: In order to deal with new challenges, Telos has recently made some significant changes. In order to ensure long-range financial stability, the Telos board of directors has decided that we will not accept new enrollments in degree or certificate programs, effective January 2017. Students will, however, be able to register for individual courses.

The Preparatory Application and other forms used to register for courses can be found on the Telos Website at (scroll down the page as needed). 

If you have any questions, contact the Telos office.
    Web site:
    Phone: 317-527-5222
In Christ,

Dr. John Bechtle
Telos Institute

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