Subject: Summer events

The latest news & reports from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
Two Family Conferences Taking Place
Two Family Conferences are scheduled to take place this summer: the Big Sandy July Family Conference, and the Northwoods August Family Conference. Our teams are excitedly preparing to welcome families for encouragement, refreshment, and fellowship. Limited housing is still available at each conference, so make plans to join us!
Training Young Ladies in Biblical Womanhood
Are you a parent looking for a special opportunity for your daughter to grow and learn alongside Godly women? Are you a young lady longing to go deeper in your relationship with Christ while gaining useful skills for fruitful service? Check out Excel! Through sessions, hands-on workshops, and life-on-life discipleship, young ladies will be equipped to grow in grace, wholesome beauty, and godliness. The summer Excel class begins August 3 with five weeks of study from home, followed by 5 weeks of study in Big Sandy. Registration closes on August 1. 
Do you desire to draw closer in your mother-daughter relationship? Do you and your daughter desire to grow in your relationship with the Lord? We are excited to host a conference just for you! Taking place August 12–15 in Big Sandy, Texas, the COMMIT Conference is designed to encourage mothers and daughters to make Christ the first priority in their lives. Meet other mothers and daughters with a desire to walk with God. Enjoy special times of both challenge and learning from God’s Word. For more information, please visit We hope to see you there!
Take Your Walk With God to the Next Level 
True life is experienced only when a person is walking in relationship with Jesus Christ. Rise Up! will challenge you to encounter God for yourself and see how His personal relationship with you affects every area of your life. Each 12-week course is comprised of online training videos, written material and assignments, online group meetings, and accountability for spiritual disciplines. Join us for one of our summer sessions! Groups are starting on August 17 and September 21.
As we look at the upheaval and unrest around us, it is easy to lose sight of God’s hand in our lives. People often wonder where God is when life becomes unsettled. In this Message of the Month, Dr. Larry Guthrie and his wife, Lois, share some of the lessons they have learned about God’s faithfulness in trials—through starting a new ministry, open heart surgery, and a difficult cancer walk. Lois states, “There are little details along the way where He has shown His faithfulness in a way that could never be put towards a coincidence.” Watch the full video.
“Before I came to Journey, I was bitter at God. I was going through a hard time in life.” So began one Journey participant's testimony. This young man attended the young men's Journey to the Heart in Big Sandy and he did not want to come, but his mom signed him up anyway. As he began to spend time meditating on Scripture, God showed him things from His Word that he had never seen before. He also learned about the importance of giving thanks in difficult circumstances. God did a deep work in this young man's heart and, by the end of the week, he did not want to leave. Read more . . .
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