Subject: News and updates from IBLP

The latest news & reports from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
Men's Conference, February 7–9
Gil Bates, Peter Magnuson, and others plan to join us February 7–9, 2019, in Oak Brook, Illinois, for a men’s conference. The messages shared will inspire and encourage men in their walk with the Lord, in being leaders at home, and in serving Christ. The close proximity to both major Chicago airports makes this destination very convenient for travel to the Midwest. With this weekend conference occurring toward the beginning of the year, hopefully men will begin 2019 with a great start in being all they can be for the Lord and in advancing His Kingdom. Learn more . . .
In Memory of John Philip Garvin 
John Philip Garvin was born in Elyria, Ohio, March 18, 1928, the son of a Baptist minister. Mr. Garvin was eight years old when he asked Jesus Christ to come into his heart to be his Savior and Lord. Phil joined the ministry of Institute in Basic Life Principles in 1969, and served in various capacities for over forty-five years. The job title that he was most noted for was an unofficial one—“soul winner.” Phil was always ready to share the gospel with sales people, truck drivers, or repairmen who were visiting the Institute. On Sunday afternoon, November 4th, our Lord brought Phil home to Glory. God only knows, and now Phil does, how many souls were brought into the Kingdom through his faithful witness. Read more . . .
2019 Character Calendar and Curriculum
The 2019 Biblical Character Illustrated Calendar brings to life twelve character qualities that reflect the nature of God. Each month presents a character quality along with a related classic Biblical scene. Practical ways are listed that allow you to see God working to develop the character of Christ in you. Ideas for further study of the character qualities are included. With the calendar, make sure to sign up for the free accompanying daily email with Scripture and a short statement, both illustrating an outworking of the month’s character quality in Biblical lives! The Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum corresponds to each month's character quality. Learn more at
20 Messages for $20!
We are thrilled to present 20 of the best messages from 2018 now available via MP3 audio download. These audio messages were some of our favorites from the year. We trust they will be a blessing and an encouragement to you! This year’s conference theme was from I John 4:10, which says, “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” If you missed out on the conferences this year, these messages will give you a taste of what was shared. We believe that you will enjoy hearing these speakers and their practical teaching from God's Word. Learn more . . .
"Wagonloads of Blessings"
This year’s Family Camp took place during a record-setting rainy spell in East Texas. Despite the cold, rainy days, the families enjoyed fellowship with each other. The Family Camp staff became very creative as they sought to move Family Camp indoors. A makeshift indoor coral was created so that Dr. Sterrett could continue his sessions in a dry location. Some of the special events were moved into the large Convention Center, where attendees participated in 9-square, carpet ball, corn hole, balance beams, jump rope, and other games. Even the canoe races were moved inside! The one dry day in the middle of the week was welcomed and enjoyed by all. Read more . . .
2019 Journey Dates
Imagine a week away from the noisy clamor of life to hear from the Lord and cultivate a more intimate relationship with Him. Consider being able to spend time with other like-minded believers who are also pursuing a deeper relationship with the Lord. A Journey to the Heart is just that! Whether you’re a dad, mom, or single young person, there is a Journey opportunity available for you! An option for families who would like to attend a Journey together is also available. Prayerfully check out the 2019 Journey schedule and see if the Lord may be leading you to turn from the busy things of life that vie for your attention and attend a Journey next year. Learn more . . .
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