Subject: New teaching series for men coming in 2023

Completely FREE - Subscribe today for a new series on the Ten Commandments.
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On January 11, 1989, President Ronald Reagan gave his farewell address to his fellow Americans. He spoke about patriotism and how the younger generation was being greatly influenced more by changing culture rather than crucial historical facts. He closed his speech with the summation: “All great change in America begins at the dinner table.”

Why mention the former president’s admonition? Cultures worldwide are dramatically changing at a rapid pace, and Christians are being bombarded by ideologies and influences from every direction.

Men, now is the time to be having those “dinner table” times with your families. Actually, when Moses was recounting the wondrous acts of God and His commandments for the new generation of Israel, his instructions went far beyond just the dinner table! He commanded that they should be speaking of the words of God while sitting, walking, lying down, and rising up. (See Deuteronomy 11:19.)

As Moses approached the end of his life — and entrusted new leaders to bring God’s people into the Promised Land — he gave a final charge:
Inspired by this Scripture, we are beginning a new teaching series designed for men called “Matters of Life and Death.” The series is free for everyone. Throughout 2023, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Ten Commandments and their application to our daily lives. Instead of viewing these commandments as a burdensome set of rules, we will be drawing life-giving truths that every man can apply in practical ways.

Each week we will publish an article containing a meditation on one of the Ten Commandments along with its New Testament application. Also, alongside that teaching, we will highlight the life of a notable man from Scripture or history who serves as an example living out each truth in an engaging biographical sketch.

We invite you to join our email list and to pass this invitation along to any other men in your life who are serious about seeking the Lord through His Word.


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