Subject: My grandpa took a shortcut, this was a serious mistake

The ice caved in, and my great-grandma was thrown from the sleigh. The baby fell into the fast-flowing, icy river below!


First Things First

by Ken Pierpont

My grandfather grew up near Chatham, Ohio, in the days before every family owned a car. Once a week or so, the family would hitch up a buggy and ride to town for food and supplies. One particular trip to town was in the middle of winter, so the ground was covered with snow. The whole family piled into the sleigh.

As usual, they followed the river for about a mile and crossed at the bridge. The river was frozen over, so on the way home they took the short route over the ice. This was a serious mistake. As they crossed the water, the ice caved in. My great-grandmother was thrown from the sleigh. She was holding baby Orville who fell from her arms into the fast-running water.


Faith or Presumption?

Even with so many Biblical references to faith, it still is sometimes hard to understand and exercise faith in our daily lives. One way to better understand a truth is to contrast it with a deception or a lie. The same is true about faith.

Beholding the Glory of God: Solar Eclipse Recap Video

See footage of the solar eclipse as seen from the 2024 Family Conference, and hear from former military space engineer Spike Psarris on how the many fine-tuned details of the universe reveal God’s existence and declare His glory!


All Power Is Given unto Me

One of the greatest displays of God’s omnipotence in all of history was the incarnation of the Son of God. Colossians 2:9 makes a profound statement: “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” This means that all attributes of the Godhead were manifested in the Son.

Robert Jermain Thomas: Taking the Gospel to the Hermit Kingdom

When news came in 1866 that the Korean government had killed 8,000 Catholic converts, Thomas resolved to go to Korea and give the pure Gospel to the people there. Despite the dangers, he boldly sailed to the Korean peninsula to shine the Light of the World into a kingdom of darkness.


The Role of Pastors & Christians in Civil Government

DVD: $15.00  $9 (Save 40%)

Book: $5.00  $3 (Save 40%)

How should a Christian contribute to public affairs? Investigate the examples of prominent leaders at the vanguard of the American Revolution. The church and its leaders played a vital role in achieving American independence and established a precedent for today’s Christians to follow. Discover Biblical guidelines for political involvement and ways to act upon your convictions.


Journey to the Heart
for Young Ladies

August 17–24, 2024

Big Sandy, Texas

Family Camp

October 5–11, 2024

Big Sandy, Texas