Subject: July News and Reports from IBLP

July News and Reports from IBLP
Cape Cod ALERT Cadet Father/Son Camp
The ALERT Cadet program is a “toolbox” that encourages fathers as they seek to gain and keep the hearts of their sons ages 8
17-years-old. This goal is facilitated through a variety of activities including daily devotionals, unit meetings, father/son activities, and camps. Recently, a camp was held in Cape Cod, MA, for the Northeastern units. Read more . . .
Seeing God Work in Prison:
a testimony from the front lines

I am humbled to be a part of what God is doing in prisons in answer to prayer. I have been learning more and more that my responsibility is not to do the work of the Lord but to simply submit to the leading of His Spirit and watch Him accomplish what only He can do. Read more . . .
News From Afar
IBLP is actively involved in ministry around the world. Recently we received reports from Australia, Romania, and Hong Kong. The following is exciting news of what God is doing in these countries and prayer requests for the ministries there. Read more . . .
ALERT Deployment Report
A group of our men spent May 8
10 on a deployment to Durant, Mississippi, one of many towns affected by the tornadoes that swept through the South at the end of April. The town is located in one of the poorest counties in Mississippi and continues to be in need of volunteers to help with recovery efforts. Read more . . .
Ukraine Ministry Update
After a tree is planted, it takes time before fruit is produced. Similarly, fruit is finally being seen from the seeds planted among Ukrainian youth leaders seventeen years ago. Several have become pastors of large churches. Those young people who were discipled are now sowing seeds among a new generation. The following three reports show God’s faithfulness in reaching people in Ukraine. The testimonies are from cities in western Ukraine: Radivilov, Rivne, and Kostopil. Read more . . .
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