Subject: Journeys for Moms, Young Ladies, and Young Men!

Journeys for Moms, Young Ladies, and Young Men!
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As we near the end of summer and begin filling our schedules for the remainder of 2016, how will they be filled? School (teaching, attending), planning for family holidays, work, music lessons, learning a different language, and the list continues …

Moms, In the midst of trying to keep pace with the hustle and bustle of life, Journey offers you a week-long bubble of time to purposefully pursue the Heart of your Maker.
Young Ladies’/Mothers' Journey
September 24th – October 2nd

(Don’t forget that the early bird rate
for this Journey ends August 13th!)
And don't forget about the upcoming Young Men's Journeys!
Man has been in pursuit of fulfillment, pleasure, and purpose since the creation of life. And how does the world attempt to gratify these desires? Wealth and entertainment. Both of which are fleeting and cannot satisfy. So, amidst a culture of vanishing realities, we invite you to step foot on a journey … a journey to experience the Life and Reality of God!
Register for Upcoming Journeys:

Young Men's: August 20-28
Young Ladies': September 24-October 2
Moms': September 24-October 2
Young Men's (AR): October 29-November 6
Young Ladies' (OK): October 29-November 6
Quote from the revised Journey workbook:
"The moment we allow ourselves to doubt that God is good, we are automatically agreeing with the devil. Our only defense against him is planting ourselves firmly on the belief that God is good and God is love, no matter what our circumstances may be telling us."