Subject: Journey to the Heart of Our Savior

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What is a Journey to the Heart? In a day and age where God is all too often shoved onto a shelf to collect dust with your Bible; when the extent of your prayer life is confined to the four walls of a church and reading your Bible is no different than reading a history book; the heart of the Journey is to provide a time where it gets to be *you and Jesus*.  Learn More >>
God at Work: Testimonies from the June Guys Journey
"I had memorized a lot of Scripture. I had all this head knowledge, but it never really got down to my heart…. I tried to live the Christian life without Christ! I tried to do it all in my own strength. God revealed to me this week that in and of myself, I am nothing; I cannot do anything without Christ. Now I realize that God is my Strength; Jesus is my Hope. He is the only One Who can set me free from the bondage of sin.”  Learn More >>
New Journey Locations: Oregon and Oklahoma!
Rockaway Beach, Oregon
Young Mens Journey
August 27 - September 4th

Young Ladies Journey
August 27 - September 4th
Skiatook, Oklahoma
Young Mens Journey
September 26 - October 5

Young Ladies Journey
November 7 - 16
Journey to the Heart Now for Adults 25+
Several Journeys this summer/fall will be geared toward anyone who is married, or single people over the age of 25. We realize that getting away for that long is truly difficult, but we want you to have the opportunity to take time away to seek the Lord if God leads you in that direction.
Fathers/Mens Journey
Northwoods, MI
August 8 - 16
Mothers/Womens Journey
Northwoods, MI
September 19 - 27
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