Subject: "I'm tough, I'm tough!"

A few favorites from Ken Pierpont, who passed away in February


I’m Tough, I’m Tough

by Pastor Ken Pierpont (1958–2024)

Once, my three-year-old son Charles struggled to open the door of the church restroom. Not readily discouraged by this set back, his voice came faintly from the other side of the room: “I’m tough, I’m tough.” He ran and slammed himself into the door. When it didn’t move, he paused, took a deep breath and cried out with an intensity that shocked me. “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad!”

I realized that my own reaction to life is often similar to my three-year-old’s reaction to the stubborn door. When I come up against a difficult problem, I throw all my weight against it. I say, “I’m tough, I’m tough.” Sometimes, when I give it everything I have, I find that problems give way. But there are those times when every ounce of strength I can muster, every bit of creativity at my disposal, every talent I can apply leaves me helpless with my problem.


Model Repentance to Your Family

One day my dad picked me up from work, and on the way home he wounded me with harsh words and rough language.

Lunch Money

Doing more than is expected is a powerful way to show love to others. When you do more than someone expects, it will probably be remembered for a long time. This happened to me one day.

Grace and Freedom

Some say: “You’re not obligated to keep commandments because you’re under grace, not under the law. You have freedom in Christ.” Yet Christ said: “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).


Unmerited Love: God’s Love in the Law

God’s love for Israel was “because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers” (Deut. 7:8). His love was based upon His covenant. He loved Israel simply because He promised to and because love is an inherent part of His nature.

John Williams: The Welshman Who Loved the Unlovely

John & Mary Williams left behind the comforts and pleasures of home to share God’s love among the recently-discovered cannibals of the South Pacific. He would become known as the “Martyr Missionary of Polynesia.”


Children’s Institute Teacher Curriculum and Songbook

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The life-changing material of the Children’s Institute has impacted more than 90,000 children as they’ve learned Biblical principles in applicable, fun, and memorable ways. The best of the material has been compiled into these teacher’s curriculum and song books and is available to you to use in any Sunday school, VBS, or children’s camp.