Subject: How much influence do fathers have?

How much influence do fathers really have?
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Do you ever wonder how much influence you have on your children’s moral development? While the influence of mothers is important, according to one survey, dads actually have twice as much influence on their kids’ moral decisions as their mothers.

Consider church attendance. . . If a mother attends church regularly and the father does not, only 2% of their children will end up being regular attenders. If the father attends regularly (even if the mother does not), 44% of their children will end up as regular churchgoers. How successful will you be at passing your faith on to the next generation?
Children will take their faith only as seriously as their fathers take it.
Even when it comes to salvation, a father’s influence is vital.
  • 7% of saved children will help lead both of their parents to faith in Jesus Christ.
  • 23% of saved wives and mothers will help lead their husbands and children to faith in Jesus Christ.
  • 94% of saved husbands and fathers will help lead their entire family to faith in Jesus Christ.
Most children shape their view of God based on their fathers. If their father is harsh and distant, they see God as mean and disinterested. But if they have a loving, caring father, it’s much easier to see God for the loving father that He is.

There’s a reason why God calls Himself “Father.” Earthly fathers are supposed to be a representation of our Heavenly Father's love! For your children to have an accurate picture of God, you have to know Jesus personally! Taking time on this week-long Journey to deepen your relationship with your Heavenly Father will help your children to get an accurate picture of who God is.
The average American father in 1996 spent only 7 ½ uninterrupted minutes per week with his children; the statistics are even worse today. Children consistently say they would like to have more time with their dads. What kind of a dad will they be spending time with? One who knows and loves Jesus? One who makes sacrifices to grow in his faith and seek God?
Fathers, we cannot underestimate the eternal impact you have on your family. Please, consider coming on the Fathers' Journey (June 18-26)
and doing whatever it takes to seek the face of Jesus.
Cost: Pay what you can
The usual rates for the Journey can be found at, but pay what you can and we’ll trust God to take care of the rest.
Dates: June 18-26, 2016 (Saturday to Sunday)
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