Subject: Honoring Veterans and First Responders

The latest news & reports from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
Honoring Veterans and First Responders
We are thrilled to have author and speaker Roger Helle and his wife Shirley joining us for our Veterans Banquet on November 15 in Big Sandy, Texas. Roger, a Marine who served three tours in Vietnam, will be giving the keynote address. He is the recipient of the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V," three Purple Hearts, and other decorations. Join us virtually at 7:00 P.M. on November 15 >>
The ALERT Family Camp team was excited to welcome over 1,300 people for this year's Family Camp held in Big Sandy, TX from October 8–15. More than 250 families gathered from California to Florida to enjoy a week of camp together. Our S’more Family promotional brought over 50 new families to experience Family Camp for the first time with complimentary registration. Read more >>
Evangelist Caleb Reed challenges a common view that many people have of God’s commands. Often, folks may consider God’s commands to be restrictive and repressive, preventing them from enjoying life to the fullest. Caleb Reed carefully presents the truth that the commandments are actually an invitation to a closer relationship with God. Watch the full message on Embassy Media >>
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