Subject: Hear these guys' stories!

Hear these guys' stories!
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Recently, we asked some of the guys' Journey leaders to tell their stories. With these young men having so much going on in their lives, how do they discern what is really important? How do you figure out work, school, marriage, family?

Here’s what they said. . .

Ian Boyes

  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering
  • Travels frequently around the world

“If someone wants to hear from God about whether to go to college, what to major in, what career to pursue, what job to take, how to prepare for marriage, etc., that person must learn to hear His voice. . . the Journey is [that] opportunity!”

Sam Oliverio

  • Former Missionary to the Philippines
  • Ministry and Leadership Coach

“Journey gave me a glimpse of God’s heart and my own. Obviously, that [glimpse] changes everything. To those who are wondering about the future–schools, jobs, a spouse, career paths, families–I would say now is the best time to go on a Journey. It’s in the midst of confusion that you need clarity the most."

Read more of their stories on our blog!
"When we seek the Kingdom of God, an eternal perspective begins to develop which impacts the way we live life each and every day."
- Brent T.

“I think it is important that we take a few moments to slow down and focus on what really matters."
- Samuel W.
"I could not have invested my finances, time, and energy in something more beneficial at that point in my life than in Journey."
- Nate P.
2017 Events
Haven't been on a Journey? Need a recharge? Come on any of our guys' events. 
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