Subject: Free episode - Legacy of Faith: Rick & Donna Warner

Plus: September's Deep Discount, Command of Christ, and Character Quality


Legacy of Faith: Rick & Donna Warner

We have some exciting news and a special treat for you this month—we will be releasing a brand new addition to our Legacy of Faith collection! This series documents the stories of Rick and Donna Warner, who were burdened to take the Gospel to the unreached peoples of Mongolia shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In this episode, they share about the various trials they experienced in their early days on the field: first as singles, and then as a couple raising two daughters in Mongolia. You’ll catch a glimpse into the everyday life of Mongolians of that time and the tremendous amount of work required just to survive the harsh climate where temperatures would drop to 40 degrees below zero in the winter. But for every trial that surfaced, God faithfully provided a way through it.

NOTE: This is just one episode of a 6-part series! Stay tuned for the release of the complete Legacy of Faith: Rick & Donna Warner series. New episodes will be added every Tuesday on Embassy Media.


Be a House of Prayer

“And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”


What truly makes a house a place we call home? It’s not the location, interior design, or even the memories made inside the house. It’s something that makes up the very spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical fabric of a home—relationships.

In the Old Testament, the Temple was to meant to be a place where mankind came to fellowship with God. Just as God wanted the Temple to be a place for His presence to dwell in, now He longs to make our hearts His dwelling place.

But we also have the privilege of joining other believers to build a much greater place for God to dwell in and to accomplish His will through. This is God’s intention for all believers: not just to be individual temples, but that we would join together as the Body of Christ to display God’s glory. Join Nate and Gabe on the podcast this month as we dig in to Be a House of Prayer together!

The Commands of Christ Podcast

A fresh way to meditate on the words of Jesus. New episodes every Monday, available everywhere you listen to podcasts!



vs. Self-Pity


Delighting in fellowship with the Lord regardless of my circumstances


“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

PSALM 16:11


Singing While Shackled

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.”

ACTS 16:25


Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum
2025 Set

$142.00  $99.00 (Save 30%)

A special set of the Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum, including just the 12 qualities you’ll need to follow along with the 2025 Biblical Character Calendar!

Does it feel like you have too little time, but you want to give your children (and yourself) a good foundation at the beginning of each day? Every day of the calendar lists the passage to read that goes along with one of 10 GEMs (God Enables Me statements) and a brief explanation. The Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum uses examples from the lives of Bible men and women whose walk with God resulted in good character or whose lack of faith produced poor character.