Subject: Family Conferences Held In Australia and New Zealand

February News & Reports from IBLP. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." (Colossians 3:16)
Summer Family Conference Held in January!
Where is it summer in January? New Zealand! The New Zealand 2016 Family Conference was held at the Arahina Training Centre January 21-25. Twenty-one families attended, making a total of 168 people. Robert Newhouse and his wife Bethany flew in from the United States, as well as Sam Oliverio and his sister Laura. Read More...
It was an eagerly anticipated event as families from around Australia gathered for the 15th Annual Family Conference at the Yarra Training Centre.
Children’s Programs and Young People’s Conference Report: Part 2
Australia's 15th Annual Family Conference was held recently in January 2016. Families attended with great anticipation, and they did not leave disappointed! One couple shared about the encouragement they received.
A New Feature for Character Curriculum!
Now there is an added feature to aid in learning these hymns. In the character curriculum section, along with the hymn and its history, is a musical recording of the hymn. Listen and sing along with families who love the Lord as you do and desire to encourage others in learning the great hymns of the faith. Learn More.
2016 Family Conference Locations

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