Subject: Family Conference Theme: Rejoice and Give Thanks!

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Four Family Conferences Scheduled in 2021!
As we face challenges, difficulties, and uncertainties in these unprecedented times, there can be a temptation to take our eyes off of the Lord and put them on our circumstances. It seems as if Satan is working more aggressively to dishearten and discourage believers. What does God say about how we are to respond to trials and difficulties? Psalm 97:12 commands, “Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.” Join us at one of our 2021 Family Conferences as we rejoice in the Lord together! 
Perhaps you have heard of "Vanya" and the miracles that God did for him as a young soldier in the Red Army? In this masterful impersonation by Dean Kershner, you will be able to vividly and dramatically envision what Vanya endured as he trusted God, defied torture, and learned faithfulness in prayer. Be challenged as God writes His message in your life! Watch the video now >>
"If you have a marriage problem and an anger problem, if you don't correct the anger problem, then you can't correct the marriage problem." This series highlights Biblical solutions that allow the Lord properly deal with anger within your family. 
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