Subject: Exciting Events Coming!

The latest news & reports from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
Men's Conference in Oak Brook
Gil Bates, Peter Magnuson, Gary Fraley, and others plan to join us February 7–9, 2019, in Oak Brook, Illinois, for a men’s conference. The messages shared will inspire and encourage men in their walk with the Lord, in being leaders at home, and in serving Christ. The close proximity to both major Chicago airports makes this destination very convenient for travel to the Midwest. With this weekend conference occurring toward the beginning of the year, hopefully men will begin 2019 with a great start in being all they can be for the Lord and in advancing His Kingdom. Learn more . . .
5 Family Conferences in 2019!
Anticipation is growing as another season of Family Conferences approaches. This year we have planned five conferences in three locations, an air conditioned meeting facility in Big Sandy, a new registration discount, and a Sound Foundations course! The 2019 Family Conference theme is "Seek Ye the Lord." Come join us to hear dynamic messages from God’s Word from new speakers, such as John Van Gelderen and Bob Gray, and from our returning favorites, including Keith and Jenny Daniel, S.M. Davis, Otto Koning, Tim Lee, and Gil and Kelly Bates. Read about the new developments for this year’s Family Conferences.
January Message of the Month
Gil Bates: "How to Be the Father You Always Wanted to Be"

To start out the new year, we especially desire to challenge fathers to fulfill God’s calling for them in leading their families. To encourage you in this endeavor, we have made available a particular Embassy message. As a pastor, small business owner, and the father of nineteen children, Gil Bates testifies that there are numerous things clamoring for his time. Realizing that none of us are perfect, how can you start the year out well? We think this message by Gil Bates, “How to Be the Father You Always Wanted to Be," can offer helpful insights into fulfilling God’s call for dads! Watch this uplifting and instructive message on
Sound Foundations Returning! 
Sound Foundations was developed for the purpose of helping young people develop music ministry skills as well as Biblical instruction in God-honoring music. The course is for young people ages 15 and older who desire to grow in their walk with the Lord and develop skills such as: orchestration, song and hymn writing, church music directing, hymnology, Biblical basis for worship, and conducting, to name a few. This will take place in Big Sandy, Texas, July 15–August 3, 2019. The last week of Sound Foundations will be in conjunction with the Big Sandy Family Conference. Learn more . . .
What is the Power of a Spoken Blessing?
Our words have great influence in the lives of those around us, and spoken blessings can bring hope, encouragement, and direction to our families, friends, and others. Many people are experiencing deepening relationships and spiritual encouragement as they discover the power of spoken blessings. A spoken blessing is a positive, Biblical statement that invokes the blessing of God in the life of another. The power of spoken blessings comes from God, Who Himself “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). Learn more about blessings . . .
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