Subject: Exciting Changes to the Journey!

Journey Update May 2016
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God has been doing a lot within the Journey program in the last few years.

We’ve mentioned some of the changes here and there, but we’ve realized that a lot of people aren’t actually aware of all that’s been taking place!

Our goal is to spark excitement about who God is and to inspire whoever we can to live authentic lives that are undeniably changed by our powerful God!

Redeeming the time!
New Schedule!

Work, school, family, church, serving—there’s so much going on in life, and taking time away can seem almost impossible! With our new schedule, it now only requires five work or school days! We hope that will be helpful as you consider taking time to deepen your connection with our awesome God!
Seeking God and Saving Money!

We’ve come up with a few ways to reduce the cost of the Journey. If you register six weeks or more prior to the Journey you want to attend, you’ll get the early bird rate. Or, come with a family member or a group and save money!
Parent/Student Journeys

This year, parents and their young people can experience the Journey together! In June, young men have a chance to attend with their fathers, and September is the young ladies' and moms' turn. The teams on these Journeys will still be separated by age, and you don’t have to come with a parent/child to attend, but it gives you the opportunity to come at the same time if you want to.
Come Again with the Alumni Rate!
Journey doesn’t need to be a one-time thing! For those who wish they could come again, maybe with friends or siblings, we want to make that more of a possibility. Regardless of when you register, the alumni rate is $350. We’d be thrilled to see God’s continued work in some of our old friends!
Journey Material Overhaul!
Another reason for past Journey-ers to come again is the new material! Over the past year and a half, the team at Journey has been working to re-vamp the Journey workbook in order to focus more exclusively on Christ and His work in our lives, and how that is accomplished in us.
Bringing Journey to a Location Near You! 
Planes, trains, buses, flights, airfare, tickets! Getting places can just be complicated. Knowing this, we’re now offering the Journey in different locations. So far we’ve had them, not only in the Northwoods of Michigan, but also in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Oregon.
Upcoming Journeys

Young Men's/Fathers' Journey, June 18-26, Northwoods 
(Early Bird Rate ends May 7)

Young Ladies' Journey, July 16-24, Northwoods
(Early Bird Rate ends June 4)

Young Men's Journey, August 20-28, Northwoods
(Early Bird Rate ends July 16)

Young Ladies'/Mothers' Journey, September 24-October 2, Northwoods
(Early Bird Rate ends August 13)

Young Men's Journey, October 29-November 6, Arkansas
(Early Bird Rate ends September 17)

Young Ladies' Journey, October 29-November 6, Oklahoma
(Early Bird Rate ends September 17)
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