Subject: Encouragement for the whole family!

The latest news & reports from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
May Message of the Month: Preparing for Battle
In our society, we can definitely see that the enemy of our souls is alive and active. He is going about as a roaring lion (I Peter 5:8), seeking to steal, kill, and destroy everything in his path (John 10:10). In this Message of the Month, Pastor Gil Bates states, “We’re in a war, but we’re acting like we’re on vacation.” The spiritual forces of darkness are coming against the Christian home and family, and many believers are caught off guard. Using the example of Hezekiah’s preparations against Sennacherib, Gil Bates gives listeners some practical ways to prepare to withstand the attacks of the enemy. Watch this free message >>
Choosing Christ-like Manhood 
This summer, learn what it means to choose Christ-like manhood! Enjoy outdoor adventures and activities that will point you to the Lord. Join other young men ages 14–17 for Quest, a 4-week adventure. 
Take Your Music to the Next Level!
Join one of five music courses this summer: the Instrumental Workshop, Sound Foundations Level 1, 2, or 3, or the Piano Workshop. Register by June 1 to save up to $250! Learn more >>
Sharing God's Love in Mexico
This spring, the ALERT Missions class traveled to Mexico to share God's love in an unreached mountain area. Read more about the work the ALERT men did >>
Encouragement for the Whole Family 
A wonderful group of staff, speakers, and attendees met for a week of rich fellowship, dynamic messages, and spiritual encouragement at the April Big Sandy Family Conference. Read more >>
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