Subject: Deeper Walk Discipleship Conference: Abiding in the Vine

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Deeper Walk Discipleship Conference: Abiding in the Vine
In John 15, Jesus gave one final sermon to His disciples before His death. This message is as vital for us today as it was for the disciples in those last hours with Him. Jesus instructed His disciples on the importance of abiding in Him and challenged them to live a life of "Abiding in the Vine": "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me" (John 15:4).

As Christians, the Lord expects us to bear fruit. (See John 15:16.) How can we bear fruit through Him unless we first learn to abide in Jesus, the true Vine?

The Deeper Walk Conference is designed to encourage your sons and daughters to abide in the Lord daily through spiritual refreshment and fellowship. They will be challenged to have a deeper walk with the Lord as they seek to follow Him and allow Him to bear fruit through their lives which will last for eternity. They will also learn how to effectively share their faith and disciple new believers.
Keith Daniel
Bro. Keith Daniel (evangelist and missionary from South Africa) will be preaching practical messages each evening on abiding in the true Vine and removing distractions that hinder fruitful service to God from our lives. Daytime speakers will include Otto Koning, (retired missionary and author of The Pineapple Story series), Casper Koning (Otto's brother and Director of Gospel Text Mission), and other pastors, teachers, and missionaries.
Otto Koning
Sessions will include:
  • The Deeper Christian Life
  • How to Abide in the Vine
  • Developing Your Prayer Closet
  • How to Deal with Discouragement, Temptation, and Lukewarmness
  • The Vital Importance of Meditation
  • Soul Winning and Personal Evangelism
  • Discipling the New Believer
  • Introduction to Missions and the Harvest Field
  • Creative Ways for Reaching Children
  • And more!
This Deeper Walk Conference will be held November 3 - 5, 2014, on the beautiful grounds of the Nashville Training Center. Although this is a conference designed especially to disciple and challenge young adults age 14 and up, any individuals or families who would also like to join us for a time of spiritual rejuvenation, growth, and encouragement in the Christian walk are welcome to attend!

Evening sessions (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) will start at 7:00 pm. Daytime sessions (Tuesday and Wednesday) will run from 9:30 am until noon and from 1:30 pm until 5:00 pm.
The cost for youth attending will be $70 ($45 for each additional sibling), which includes on-site hotel room and meals for Monday evening through Wednesday evening.

Individuals and families desiring to attend the conference (or just the evening Keith Daniel sessions) may contact the Nashville Training Center for further information.

Nashville Training Center
612 W. Due West Ave.
Madison, TN 37115
(615) 636-2144
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