Subject: December News from IBLP

December News and Updates from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
Men's Conference Coming in January!
In Deuteronomy 6, God instructs parents to demonstrate His love to their children and teach His words diligently. Parents are commanded to “teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up” (Deuteronomy 6:7). Studies have shown that fathers play a critical role in passing faith in God on to their children. Sadly, in this day and age, many fathers have neglected this responsibility, dropping the torch of passing on the faith. The time has come for fathers to take responsibility and pass the torch of faith to the next generation! Learn more. . .
The theme has been selected. The speakers are being confirmed. Excitement is mounting as preparations continue for the 2018 Family Conferences! Several new changes will be apparent at next year’s conferences. One change is in location, while another is the length of the Big Sandy conference. Some of the speakers at this year's conferences will be Dr. Josef Tson, Dr. Larry Guthrie, Steve Scheibner, Scott Aniol, Joe Norvell, and Peter Magnuson. Learn more. . .
2018 Journey to the Heart Dates
The 2018 Journeys have been scheduled! Some new Journey opportunities will be offered along with the usual life-changing Guys and Young Ladies Journeys. One of the new offerings from Journey will be a Family Journey to the Heart. Families will have the opportunity to attend a Journey together instead of attending individually. Read more. . .
Family Conference in Malaysia
The Southeast Asia Family Conference took place in Malaka, Malaysia in early November. Families from Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia gathered for a time of encouragement and fellowship. Many of the families are first-generation followers of Christ, and their walk with God is dynamic and joyful. Read more. . .
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