Subject: Courage to Love

Dear Families,

We want to welcome you to the new year with this special Message of the Month given by Caleb Reed at our 2021 Family Camp. As we enter this new year, many people set new goals or create New Year’s resolutions, such as exercising more, spending more time with their family, or dieting. These are wonderful goals. But, as we go through the year, it is sometimes easier to focus on a to-do list to the neglect of our relationship with Jesus. How do we keep our focus on the main thing in life, and what should guide our priorities?

In this Message of the Month, Evangelist Caleb Reed explains what Jesus said are the two greatest commandments. Beginning with Matthew 22:37–40, Caleb gives an engaging illustration that helps believers prioritize everything in life based on these two commands.

Caleb grew up in a Christian home, dedicating his life to Christ as a young child. After high school, Caleb attended the International ALERT Academy and then went to Bible college. Today, Caleb travels as an evangelist, preaching in various locations around the country. He is scheduled to speak at our June Northwoods Family Conference.

We trust this message will encourage your family to love God wholeheartedly and love each other genuinely. May the love of God be shed abroad in your hearts through the Holy Spirit Whom He has given to us!

In Christ,

The Family Conferences Team