Subject: Catch the early registration for Journeys!

Catch the early registration!
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Quote from the revised Journey book: "The moment we allow ourselves to doubt that God is good, we are automatically agreeing with the devil. Our only defense against him is planting ourselves firmly on the belief that God is good and God is love, no matter what our circumstances may be telling us. The devil will come at you with two weapons: fear, which often begins as doubt, and lies. But if you choose to believe in God’s love and goodness no matter what, then Satan will not be able to control your life through fear and deception."

Journey to the Heart of Jesus this summer!

It's just over 2 weeks until the first Young Men's and Fathers' Journey of the year! June 18-26 could be a great opportunity to draw closer to God and impact your whole family for generations!

Also, the early bird registration for the Young Ladies' Journey (July 16-24) ends this Saturday (June 4)!
What are the topics we're covering?
  • Finding a firm foundation amidst a crumbling world
  • Discovering the “mystery” of the New Testament
  • What is faith?
  • What’s missing from the church?
  • Finding one solution among a million answers
Find out more and register today!
Special details on the Fathers' and Young Men's Journey: Bob Newhouse and Pastor Wayne Fagala will both be joining the Fathers' and Young Men's Journey, June 18-26. Both are known for their deep walks with God, practical teaching, and real-life illustrations.
Quote from the revised Journey book: "You may recognize that you have a heart issue, but if that is all you discover, you will leave feeling that you now have all kinds of things to fix, and your wall will be incomplete and unstable. Without the power of Christ in your life, your wall of 'good intentions' will soon collapse."
Register for Upcoming Journeys:
Fathers' Journey: June 18-26 (Pay what you can.)
Young Men's Journey: June 18-26
Young Ladies' Journey: July 16-24
(early bird rate for Young Ladies' ends June 4)
For many Christians, life is a continual cycle of trying and failing and then trying again and failing worse than before.
Come discover 5 foundations God gives us in His Word as weapons to build a solid defense against the enemy.