Subject: Building foundations for the future

A letter from Family Conferences. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Dear families,

Do your younger girls need assistance in their walk with God? Do you struggle to find good outlets for them to be encouraged in the ways of the Lord? The Pre-EXCEL program was designed for exactly those things!
Learning what the Bible says about life is imperative to building a firm foundation from a young age. Topics such as how to treat our siblings, honoring our parents, acting like ladies, and growing in our walk with God and in honesty equip the girls to be strong in the Lord. Girls are strengthened and encouraged in their faith as older Pre-EXCEL team leaders and staff lead them through these discussions.

At Pre-EXCEL, your daughters will also get the opportunity to learn practical skills on topics such as manners, etiquette, fixing hair, embroidery, art, and table settings.
I grew up with seven sisters and much of my life perspective was shaped by their influence on my life. I learned so much from them, whether they were teaching me memory verses, talking to me about a life situation, or just showing me things like how to sew. We want your daughter(s) to have the same opportunity we did to learn from other Godly role models. Don't miss out on this wonderful week of learning and growing together in God's Word!

We hope to see you this summer at the Big Sandy July or Northwoods August Family Conference!


Susannah Hulin
Pre-EXCEL coordinator
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