Subject: Bill Gothard | New! Daily Success Devotional Book

A Letter from Bill
Dear Friends,

Over the years that I taught the Basic Youth Conflicts Seminar, I would stand in front of packed colosseums looking out over incredible crowds of people and wonder to myself, "What is motivating all these youth and adults to attend this 30-hour seminar?" They would sit for three hours each night and all day Friday and Saturday listening attentively and taking notes. Often they would re-attend future seminars! I am not that great of a speaker and we did not use public media to advertise. Yet thousands of people came because of enthusiastic word-of-mouth reports from their friends, who did all that they could to get them to attend. Why?

One day I discovered the answer! The Basic Seminar was my explanation of several of Christ's commands and how I had tried to apply them to daily living. The 2.7 million alumni of this seminar are a powerful testimony to the vital importance of the commands that Jesus has given to us. It is these commands that will teach us how to love God and one another.
(See John 14:21, 1 John 5:3, and 2 John 1:6.) It is also these commands that we are to teach to all the nations of the world. (See Matthew 28:19-20.)
Thousands of people have benefited from the Daily Success email program, which encouraged and motivated them to meditate on the commands of Christ daily. Those devotional emails have now been compiled into a 700+ page beautifully bound devotional book! Everyone who pre-orders this book will recieve a copy that I have personally signed.

The ultimate goal of the Daily Success email program and devotional book is to see people experience "good success" in every area of life, through the transforming power of God's Word. (See Joshua 1:8.)

My favorite chapter is Psalm one. It is my prayer that we will all experience the daily success that it promises to those who delight in His Word and meditate on it day and night!

Through Christ our Lord,

Bill Gothard
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