Subject: ALERT men serving in Poland

The latest news & reports from IBLP. View this email online if it doesn't display correctly.
ALERT Missions Class Deployed to Poland
The ALERT Missions class is presently in Poland serving Ukrainian refugees displaced from their homes and country. The team will spend twelve days helping with a local church doing humanitarian work. Please pray for the men and those they will be serving. Pray that God will open avenues for encouragement and service, both to Ukrainians and the church they are helping. Read more >>
Music Course Early Registration Deadlines Coming Soon!
Are you a musician who desires to increase your skills? Join us for one of our summer music courses! The Piano Workshop begins July 2, followed by the Instrumental Workshop on July 9, and three levels of Sound Foundations on July 18. The early registration deadlines are four weeks before each course begins. Learn more on our website!
Join us for the August Big Sandy Family Conference!
We are looking forward to a wonderful time together at the Big Sandy August Family Conference taking place August 1–5! Several speakers will be joining us live, including David Gibbs, Jr., Jerry Benjamin, and Darren Myers. Remember: this year, new families and families that have attended ten or more conferences will receive a discount on their conference registration! Please pray for our Northwoods Family Conference June 6–10. Visit our website for more details.
Messages, Programs, and Livestream
During the last week of April, more than 1,000 people gathered in Big Sandy, Texas, for a week of fellowship and encouragement.  From the sessions and children’s programs to the livestream, each aspect of the conference was designed to strengthen and encourage the attendees. Read more >>
In this Message of the Month, Elisabeth Elliot exemplifies the path of true servanthood. In her simple, direct yet appealing way, Elisabeth shares stories from her past of people who served well. She encourages women to embrace the life God has placed before them—one that often includes hidden service in quiet, out-of-the-way places. Watch the full message here >>
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