Subject: ALERT Communiqué | July 2018

July 2018

Dear Partner in Christ,

This week a group of 15 men from the ALERT battalion returned from a week of deployment with Samaritans Purse in Weslaco, Texas. Weslaco experienced 15 inches of rainfall in several hours, damaging over 2,000 homes. Since major news networks did little coverage of this event the response of volunteers assisting in the cleanup was limited at best. Flood cleanup work is certainly needed but the Lord also impressed upon me the significant needs a majority of these families are experiencing beyond flooding.

Tony, the father of five has a sister and wife battling cancer. His mother’s home, which we were working on, sustained significant damage and he was trying to clean it and repair it alone while mom is in the hospital recovering from heart issues. He wept as he said he is not sure he can handle what God has brought into his path regarding his family members yet knows he must remain strong for them and trust in Him. It was a special moment to pray with him and have chaplains come by later and follow up in ministering to his soul.

Then there was Nicolas, a homeowner we worked for that has lost both legs from the calves down to gangrene–a result of the devastating effects of a lifetime of smoking and the effects it had on his blood circulation. Here too, is a family in upheaval, barely able to deal with the flooding in their house along with the long term effects of loss of mobility and ongoing therapy. 

We also worked on a house owned by Alex and he shared with me in tears how he lost his daughter the year before in a vehicle accident and now as grandparents care for their twelve year old grandson left behind. He also wept unashamedly, still reliving the experience of seeing her body lying on the highway and her passing into eternity.

Finally, there were the parents of twelve year old Rafael, a child in a broken body on life support since birth. Mom and dad elected to save and care for Rafael rather than take the easier route of terminating a pregnancy. Our team worked on their roof to prevent further leaking in his room as well as trying to improve the living conditions by removing damaged sheetrock. The guys performed the work with passion and sensitivity and closed their time at this home by gathering around Rafael’s bed with his parents and chaplains from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, singing Amazing Grace to Rafael and praying for him. A chaplain gave testimony at dinner that night that it was one of the most touching and spiritual moments he’d ever experienced as a chaplain. What a privilege to be called by the Lord to be a part of His work.

There were many more stories as other volunteers working with our sponsoring organization shared regarding those experiencing heartache and loss. It was a firsthand reminder that we are called to be not only responders meeting physical needs but physicians that minister to both the body and soul in bringing the hope of the gospel.

Thanks so much for making experiences like those mentioned above possible through your prayers and support. We praise God for each of you.

In Christ,

Colonel Behr
Director, IAA  

IBLP, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States
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