Subject: A Biblical Perspective on the Solar Eclipse

Do you know what an "umbraphile" is?


A Biblical Perspective on the Solar Eclipse

The heavens declare the glory of God

The word eclipse is not found in Scripture, nor is there any record of an eclipse occurring anywhere in the Bible, but a Biblical commentary on anything, or a theology of anything, starts at one place: Creation.

So we begin with the account of the fourth day of Creation: Genesis 1:14–19. God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light on the earth: the sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night. These heavenly bodies were also created to be for signs, seasons, days, and years. Now, the seasons, days, and years we understand, but what about the signs? The Hebrew word is owth, meaning “flag, beacon, evidence.” So the sun, moon, and stars are to be flags, beacons, or evidence for what?


Stressed? Encourage Yourself in the Lord!

Imagine your family, and your friends’ families were captured and taken to another country. . . all your homes were looted and burned—then your friends blame you for their losses! David found himself in this very situation, and he “was greatly distressed.”

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by Randy Alcorn

$13.00  $7.80 (Save 40%)

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Big Sandy, Texas

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Levels 1–3

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