Greetings Beautiful Soul!
You are creating everything you see before you. From the best of times to the worst of times. It is all in relation to what you believe you deserve.
Now this is from your truest beliefs. Some of which are stored and engrained in your subconscious. You may say an affirmation or tell yourself you believe, but deep down your subconscious knows. This is the space that is creating your reality. Telling yourself over and over "I am abundant", may move you forward a little bit but if YOU don't BELIEVE you deserve it or that it is actually true then you will not fully actualize abundance.
So when you tell yourself these affirmations, phrases or the thoughts you have, question the belief and intention. Feel where the belief is on your body. Can you feel it in your heart? Your stomach? Maybe you feel it in your throat or head. Wherever you feel it, let it sit there. Find if it is true, or if it is something that you have just been telling yourself. A lot of the time our own human ways of stubbornness, lying and denying, get in our way of feeling and hearing the full truth.
Let yourself be vulnerable to yourself today. Throughout the day challenge every thought and feeling you hear. Discover if it is a true heart centered belief or if it is a false truth you have been telling yourself and living by.
If you continue to question you will surely see and hear some of the beliefs that you have are not your own. They are brought on by outside sources, friends, family, society, coworkers. All of these people have been feeding you belief after belief and your subconscious takes them and makes them yours.
How do you turn an old belief that you no longer serve into a new one? How do you shed all of the self limiting beliefs that you have? Our Mind Engineering Consciousness does just that! Neuro linguistic programming to help rewire our thoughts and create a stable peace of mind and begin a co-creation of your life through the Universe. Schedule your consultation below today!
Love, Light and Abundant Blessings,
Demi Black and The I AM Powered By Love Team