Hello Friend!
Happy Independence Day!! Today we celebrate the Independence Day for the United States, but you should also celebrate the Independence of YOURSELF!
Now when I say independence of self, I mean the independence of the part of you that keeps you in resistance to living and creating your life. Every day you feel yourself go back and forth with your emotions and feelings. Feeling as though you are unworthy, unlovable, can’t make a decision on the next steps for your career or business or feeling overwhelmed with responsibility like you can’t get it all done causing procrastination.
It is your time now. It is time to break this barrier that has been set up by your own self!
Over your lifetime you take on others' opinions, beliefs about who you are, societal norms and you learn to do things as everyone else does in order to fit in all the way from habits down to your thoughts. It is not your fault of course, you were unaware of what you have been creating! That is okay! Now is the chance to find out how you have been creating your life and how you can begin the journey to creating the version of reality you want!
Underneath all of these fears and doubts is REAL you. Your truest self. The authentic self. The higher self. It is the purest form of who you are. Unleashing all of your passions, creativity, love and beauty straight into the world. When you become independent of all of the thoughts and beliefs that are creating the life you DON’T want, you can clarify and begin creating the life you DO want. You start to shift your reality to one that resembles peace, love, joy and abundance in all areas.
You learn to let go of your fears. Leaning into the fear and facing it head on. We here at I Am Powered By Love work with you to face the fears and blockages that have been built up. Helping you become aware of the patterns, the cycles and the root of them. Using your Akashic Records, or your soul’s book, to hear exactly what it is you need to break through to the other side and stand in your authentic self.
We are offering special promotions on our healing and coaching packages. Combining them into one package at a very affordable rate. Purchase them today while the special is still running and schedule them at your convenience!
We honor your independence today. We can see it within you. The amount of courage, dedication, yearning to be free and bravery it takes to do so.
Love, Light and Blessings always and in all ways,
Demi Black and The I AM Powered By Love Team