Subject: Don't make this mistake again



Greetings Beautiful Humans,

Allow me a moment to introduce myself to you. I AM Demi. I have worked my whole life to meet you. You see, I came to Earth to be a Healer, Teacher & Spiritual Coach. I have been here many times before, as have you. We've met before, in another, but you weren't ready then which is why this time around, you probably had this feeling of a deeper connection or sense that you already knew me. You were shifted by the comfort and love my Soul has for Yours (namaste).


I was born an active Channel and Healer. Before I was even 10 years old, I was healing people. I could see and hear things about everyone around me, making predictions and talking to crossed-over loved ones accurately. As you may have already experienced. 🔮

I graduated from Seminary School at 23 and became an Ordained Minister at 24. In my church, I led the youth and young women's ministry. I have been passionate about healing women and children my entire life. 😍

My spiritual awakening happened when I was just 30 years old. Back then, there wasn't much of an internet and absolutely NO ONE was talking about being "woke". I only had my guides, my heart, and my purpose to trust in. I was constantly misunderstood but determined to follow my spiritual path.

Today at age 54, I am a proud mother of one amazing little Oracle. Together, with the Universe, I am the co-creator of I AM POWERED BY LOVE. My mission is to heal humanity by teaching women and their children to manifest their lives according to Universal Law.

Yes, there was plenty of times when I wanted to give up. Even my friends told me, "Throw in the towel." (no worries, they aren't my friends anymore) LOL

I weathered two divorces, moved across the country not once but three times! I have faced every insecurity, toxic relationship type I had, self-heal my own infertility to become a miracle mom, released my body from rape trauma and parental abandonment.

And now, I am holding space for you to do the same. This space I hold is the vibration of healing and unconditional trust in something bigger than you pushing your life forward now. And, I came back to work with you once more so that you may go forward in the direction of your Soul Path.

Today, it is the Universe's desire for you to know you are loved and to trust that everything you've already experienced is the wisdom you need to reach beyond yourself now and choose yourself.

You already know what hurt feels like as well as depression, loss, betrayal, fear, lost, heartbreak, financial struggle, loneliness, disappointment, abandonment, rejection, hopelessness, exhaustion, avoidance, distraction, and procrastination.

Now, it is time to mend the way you are creating life, to create a life made with love.

Divine Love is energy that attracts all life. And you've waited all your life to make this choice. Together, The Universe & I created the Self-Love Club just for you!

And we are here for you when you are ready!



Where can you make deeper Self-Love connections with yourself today?

Can you release your attachment to unhealthy situations or people who make you feel inadequate?

Will you speak your truth when it feels uncomfortable?

Are you willing to trust yourself?


Disappointment and setbacks can bring us guilt and shame. Today, blame no one. Not even yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. Wait until you calm down, then think about why things didn't turn out as you hoped. It's possible there is a misunderstanding or miscommunication. Don't go fighting the wrong battle. Especially, if this applies to matters of the heart because your passionate desires are not accurately reflecting your reality of the present situation. Yet, this is an aligned opportunity to change the images and create a different outcome.

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