Good Evening Friend,
With the world in constant change it becomes difficult to find hope, faith in what the future holds and difficult to find the will to move forward. Feeling as though you hold no place, struggling to find your identity?
That looming question of “Who AM I?”
So often you find yourself telling others that you are a carpenter, a mom, a dad, an accountant, a marketer and let what you do define who you are. As you dig deeper it almost becomes a struggle, reaching a point of frustration because you can’t answer it. Why can’t you answer it?
Because for so long you have lived your life by letting others tell you who you are or who you should be. Then somewhere along your journey you gave in and just accepted, well this is the way I am and I have to learn to deal with it.
You never truly learn to deal with it because somewhere deep down you don’t believe that that is all you are. You don’t believe that all you are is an accountant, a mom, a mean person, a shy person, a janitor.
So how do you find out who you are?
You begin to challenge yourself. What do you believe to be true about yourself? Challenge your thoughts, the self talk you have in your head, you challenge the actions you take, are you doing them for you or for someone else? It becomes like a snake shedding its skin, every day. Until you begin creating YOUR beliefs for yourself.
The Universe has been calling for you to step into your authentic self, however that may look for you and your soul! If you want to excel your life forward in your career or just begin healing the self-limiting beliefs and negative thoughts or be free from the cycle of constant highs and lows then take the initiative now with the Universe as your guide.
I want to help you take the first step and schedule a coaching consultation today! Hear from your Akashic Records what is truly going on inside, a guided meditation to discover the subconscious thoughts and begin your healing journey. Use the code: IAMSELFLOVE for 15% off your consultation.
Love, Light and Blessings,
Joshua Sepsey and The I AM Powered By Love Team