Greetings Sacred Soul,
Vision. It can be a future project, purpose, dream, or goal. Sometimes, it can come with the feelings of destiny, importance, or fulfillment of a longing you are being pulled by. Yet, the vision is significant, "top of the mountain-esque, and can be mission-like.
Your vision will not include detailed steps because you might already have gained knowledge and intelligence. You are definitely skilled, talented, and gifted and have the ability to carry it out. So, the "next right action" you take is relevant to your desired outcome as well as you point of departure.
You can get to where you are going by holding on to the thing blocking your forward movement. There must be a clear space in your life for the vision to actualize into it. The Universe doesn't help you hedge your bet. You're either all in or waffling back and forth but you spiral out. So, it can be like driving a car on a foggy night, not being able to see the road ahead of you clearly. So, you slow down.
Vision is an end destination. Allow me to explain. We often seek fulfillment in people, places, and things derived by the vision. These things are beneficial attributes of your energy being cultivated with you. Vision is the journey of "getting there" to the mountaintop, yet if we see our vision as a means to escape lack, it will feel like a never-ending saga of not enough in which we lose hope of its attainment.
Vision is more than a sense of accomplishment. As humans, we continuously strive for more; we are creators. We limit the destination when we fill it with our doubts. We fill it with all we intend and desire to manifest, yet unconsciously, we seek approval.
I say this because when we approach a Point of Departure from a disposition other than the experience of joy it provides, we seek a different type of reward to be made manifest. And because we are confusing the two things, we feel we have gotten off track when we get lost along the way.
Visions fuel purpose. The Universe doesn't guide you into a journey that isn't a soul-fulfilling mission. It empowers you to take emboldened steps in a way that enables your reality to begin to shift. Every step of the way is your path, built in such a way it brings healing about during each stop to clear old frequencies.
Today your vision may be tapping you on the shoulder, asking you to look at the bigger picture instead on micro-managing the problems that are out of your control, and to focus only on what you desire.
Right now, I want you to sit with what you desire and what it feels like in your body if your vision were fully manifested. So, close your eyes and envision it—the thing you know your heart is calling you to do. And if you're already doing it, begin to imagine your life as filled with all the people, places, and things that are manifested in your life.
This is confirmation if you've been waiting to act or asking for further clarification. So, begin by looking at your Point of Departure. Clarify it today. Then sit with yourself and determine, based on your unique skillset, talents, gifts, and abilities, is the first "next right action" and do it without second-guessing yourself. Maybe it's creating new "One Statements" or Reframing your Root Chakra or your Solar Plexus. Perhaps it's none of those things from End Toxic Living, or maybe it's taking a real-life step that propels your life forward.