Greetings Beautiful Human,
In 2021, we were all faced with confronting our fears of scarcity, toxic relationships, lack of life purpose but even more, how we played a part in creating those attachments. This call to attention forced the true passions of our hearts to come forward. In so much, we began feeling overwhelmed or hopeless at which direction to take to live true to our deepest desires. Awkwardly, we stumbled through 2021 trying to figure out which direction to take, yet we overlooked healing the heart.
This year in 2022, we are being asked to release ourselves from any attachments holding us back from being true to ourselves. We do this by loving ourselves and creating the life we desire. Yet, you may notice where you are misaligned with your process of change. You may have even been trying to avoid or escape your reality but the constant reminder keeps telling you it's to let go.
You can either adapt to your desire and embrace the new direction in which you desire to live your life or you can resist and continue living your life as things are.
It is my deepest desire, that if you've been thinking or asking yourself "what is preventing you from showing up in the world as your true authentic powerful self-expression." Book a Self-Love Coaching Consultation, with me Demi and, end the confusion, anxiety, and fear that you're never gonna get there. A Coaching Consultation is exactly what you need to start seeing your world from a more self-loving space. |