Subject: 🌙Ramadan Mubarak 2025 - 1446 AH | Friday, February 28, 2025🌙

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Benficent, the Most Merciful

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

We wish our IANT community a very blessed Ramadan. May Allah SWT allow us to take full advantage of this blessed month, make it a means of forgiveness, and attain the highest place in paradise. Ameen. 

As we approach the evening of the first night of Ramadan. Inshallah, our goal at IANT is to provide our community with a safe and pleasant experience so that you and your family can enjoy and focus on the worship. 

Please take a few minutes to read the IANT Masjid Ramadan Policies, Logistics and Information.

Free Baby Sitting

  1. Free babysitting is available throughout Ramadan for children ages 3-10 years old until 11:00 PM.

  2. Parents can drop off children and must sign the waiver form.

  3. Children who are not under the care of babysitters must remain with their parents. Please do not leave children alone and unsupervised at any time. There are no exceptions. 


  1. Follow the instructions given by security and volunteers.

  2. Please drive slowly when entering/exiting parking lots.

  3. Park only in designated parking spots.

  4. DO NOT block neighbors, drive-ways or fire hydrants.

  5. DO NOT double park or park in fire lanes.

  6. Please carpool and try to come early. 

  7. The goal is to get you IN and OUT as fast as we can. 

  8. Please do not park illegally in any of the parking lots. Illegally parked cars are subject to fines and towing.


  1. IANT is a 30.06 or 30.07 facility. Which means there can be no concealed or open carry in the building.

  2. Security team volunteers and hired guards will be on site throughout Ramadan. Only IANT authorized security guards/personnel are granted permission to carry.

  3. NO Backpacks or large bags. Bags are subject to screening by the security team for the safety of the community.

  4. Please leave strollers in your vehicle if possible to prevent congestion in the hallways.  

No Tolerance Policy

  1. Drug usage

  2. Physical Fights

  3. Foul Language 

  4. Harassment 

  5. Smoking on IANT Property

  6. Speeding on IANT Property

  7. Cameras are installed inside and outside the masjid to monitor any suspicious activity. 

  8. Failure to follow rules and masjid policies will result in removal off IANT property and possible further action by law enforcement.

Community Iftar

IANT will host a free community iftar every Friday and Saturday Night. 

Note: Ramadan Imsakiyyah poster is available at the IANT front office.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Call us at 972-231-5698.