Subject: IANT Alert: IANT Update and Activities May 13, 2020

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Daily Update - May 13, 2020 
Assalamu Alaikum
Please donate generously, this is your Masjid. It is run by the grace of Allah Subhanhu Wa Taala and your generous donations.

May Allah keep you and your family safe. Jazakallah Kharain for all your cooperation and support.     
Have you considered donating to IANT? Please support your local masjid and our efforts.

You can donate securely via PayPal using the button below. All you need is your debit/credit card, or a bank account! Click the button below, or visit

  Donate Now 
Alhumdolillah, we are in the bless month of Ramadan. Due to COVID 19 epedimic all Tarawih and five times prayers are cancelled at IANT. You are encourage to observe local health advisory of Shelter in Place and perform prayers at your homes.
Islamic Association of North Texas, 840 Abrams Road, Richardson, Texas 75081, United States
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