
Speed-Healing Introductions

Subject: Speed-Healing Radio update..(01-22-10)

Speed-Healing Radio update..(01-22-10)

January 21st, 2010 at 10:35 pm EST

Dear Friend, It has been a while since we did the Speed-Healing Radio show on Blog Talk Radio. I had a couple of reasons for this: Blog Talk Radio malfunctioned during my interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley and even though I recorded the rest mysel ...

Speed-Healing Feedback Report (01-20-10)..

January 20th, 2010 at 8:40 am EST

Dear Friend, I want to provide an informal feedback report so you can catch some of the Coaching I have provided to others lately over the phone: One person called to gain more understanding about oxygen and oxidation. I clarified for him the iss ...