
Speed-Healing Introductions

Subject: Bicarbonate Cancer Cure: Another success story with Tullio Simoncini

Bicarbonate Cancer Cure: Another success story with Tullio Simoncini

September 20th, 2010 at 11:46 pm EST

Dear Friend, I have long been a fan of Tullio Simoncini from Rome. He uses surgery and Sodium Bicarbonate to help eliminate fast growing tumors and/or to cure cancer. The story you can watch below was so good I just had to share it with each of you. ...

Lymphologically Speaking: (08-25-10) Inflammation (part 1 & 2)

August 25th, 2010 at 10:05 pm EST

Dear Friend, In 2001, the medical community began admitting that “inflammation is a common denominator of every degenerative disease known to man”; particularly cancer, heart disease, and various forms of arthritis. The medical community seemed ...

Lymphologically Speaking (07-26-10) HBP

July 26th, 2010 at 1:01 pm EST

Dear Speed-Healing Subscribers, Since the previous issue of Lymphologically Speaking I was asked to address the relationship between the kidneys and high blood pressure, among other things. One look at WebMD and you may still read the lie, “The ...

Lymphologically Speaking (07-17-10)

July 17th, 2010 at 3:22 pm EST

Dear Friend, For those of you that may prefer listening to the introductory lessons you may do so by visiting: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/speedhealing . Others can find this page by searching for Speed-Healing Radio using a browser and search engi ...

The Fundamentals of Universal Healing..

June 10th, 2010 at 12:12 am EST

Dear Friend, The Chicago Health Freedom Expo was an awesome experience for me. I nearly didn't get around to announcing this in time. Today I will be interviewed by Jonathan Landsman of Natural News. A group that I am highly enthused about! As a m ...

Republic Magazine Webinar in less than an hour...

March 3rd, 2010 at 9:39 am EST

Dear Friend, I nearly forgot to announce a webinar I am doing for Republic Magazine at the top of this hour (1 PM MST). Occuring at 3PM Eastern, 2PM Central, 1PM Mountain, Noon Pacific on Wednesday, 3/3/10. The general public will call into 949-33 ...

Speed-Healing Radio update..(01-22-10)

January 21st, 2010 at 10:35 pm EST

Dear Friend, It has been a while since we did the Speed-Healing Radio show on Blog Talk Radio. I had a couple of reasons for this: Blog Talk Radio malfunctioned during my interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley and even though I recorded the rest mysel ...

Speed-Healing Feedback Report (01-20-10)..

January 20th, 2010 at 8:40 am EST

Dear Friend, I want to provide an informal feedback report so you can catch some of the Coaching I have provided to others lately over the phone: One person called to gain more understanding about oxygen and oxidation. I clarified for him the iss ...