Subject: Wishing you safety during this holiday, and Special Celebratory Offers!

Wishing you safety during this holiday, and Special Celebratory Offers!
Have the best Independence Day celebration ever Friend,
I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a SAFE and highly memorable celebration this 4th of July! In keeping with traditions we are discounting our educational materials for a limited time. If you are one of those who has not already purchased any of our course offerings now is a good time!
The following information is an example of the information we are offering to teach you in great detail:
The #1 line represents your blood vessels (the flat garden hose we talked about). #2, and #3 illustrate how cells generate the power for all organs to function properly - a process that is discussed in sufficient detail later on. The #5 line points to your lymphatic vessels which run parallel to the blood vessels. #4 shows how they go up in between the cells. The cells are in between the blood vessels and the lymphatic vessels.
 #6 points out excess fluid and #7 depicts trapped plasma proteins that hold water in between the cells.

Dr. Arthur C. Guyton called the condition illustrated on the left the "Dry" State however, we at the International Academy of Lymphology have learned to call it the Vacuum State because this name more aptly describes the condition.

Only the Lymphatic Vessels can remove the blood protein and water!

If this sounds complicated to you think of it this way. If a puddle of water sits in your yard, or a field for too long it drowns and kills everything. When Blood Plasma Proteins come out of the blood stream and become trapped they bring the water with them and surround the cells, thus like a puddle of water they create internal drowning and create the conditions that foster disease. Only the Lymphatic Vessels can remove the blood protein and water. The lymphatic vessels may need help to do this, or the water will sit there damaging your cells. The good news is that we have learned how to activate the lymphatic system. This is what the speed healing course shows you how to do.

Many people know they have lymph nodes under the arm, in the neck, and in the groin, but that is all they know. To eliminate disease people must learn that in every organ, and every part of our body there are tiny blood vessels bringing oxygen to all the cells, furthermore there are lymphatic vessels that parallel these tiny blood vessels with the cells in between.

What are Lymphatic Vessels?

As important as the lymphatic vessels are there only a handful of people in the entire world that know lymphatic vessels exist. Lymph Nodes are only a small part of the vital function the lymphatic system performs. The Lymphatic Vessels have little branches that reach up between the cells.

Their main purpose is to pull out all the dead cells, poisons, excess blood proteins and water from the spaces in between the cells to keep them tight and close to the blood stream. This enables the blood stream to act as the cell environment so the cells can be irrigated with an abundance of oxygen. In the Dry (Vacuum) State there is no pain or disease. You can look at the diagram above and visualize those tiny branches from the lymphatic vessels reaching between the cells. Think of them like a vacuum cleaner pulling the cells tight and close together next to the blood stream. This enables the blood stream to irrigate all of those cells more efficiently.

If the entire lymphatic system is to remain or become 100% effective we have therefore enabled the blood stream to act as the cellular environment all over the entire body. Therefore, if the blood stream is optimal then all tissues and cells that make up the entire body will be bathed, fed, and oxygenated optimally. This means that the conditions for life and healing is established throughout the entire body.

Dr. Mayerson and Dr. Guyton proved that the cells have to be in the Dry State to get oxygen from the blood stream. The research reveals blood protein and water around the cells will produce lack of oxygen at the cell level and cause death, pain, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and every other crippling and killer disease. With this knowledge several other mysteries still remained to be unraveled.

There is not a College, University, or Medical School in the United States teaching the life saving discoveries that reveal how important lymphatic vessels are, and what they do to ensure the cells get oxygen from the blood stream. We are talking about the groceries and waste management services for all tissues and cells of the entire body.

Dr. West in doing research discovered top surgeons who knew nothing about the lymphatic vessels. How can you find the solution to a problem if you do not look at the primary cause and the process that made it happen? You can't! It is sad that the order of the day is the treatment of the symptoms of disease and not prevention and research of the primary cause.

It would be fair to say that often a Medical Doctor makes a diagnoses of your condition and prescribes a drug to treat your symptoms. The problem begins by definition of drugs that force a physiological reaction (or side effect). They only appear to resolve any actual dilemma. Similarly, a surgeon may cut out a part of your body, but the process that caused that part of your body to become diseased can be repeated.

It took many years to discover the powerful ways to activate the lymphatic vessels we teach here. The Speed-Healing Course goes into great detail on what you can do mentally, dietarily, and physically to keep the blood proteins circulating in your body so it is possible to heal. 
It is possible to know what must happen to prevent and if possible reverse the most widespread crippling and killer degenerative diseases in the world, with this knowledge!

Once the conditions for life are fulfilled for each cell the healing process can begin. The key is to prevent, reverse and eliminate blockages to the circulation by finding a variety of ways to effectuate the lymphatic system in its vital role. Reducing the inflow of blood protein and water, or hastening its subsequent elimination can help keep tissues in the Vacuum State long enough so it is at least possible for the healing process to become complete.

We are here to help you Friend! We look forward to serving you in the near future.

Thank you dearly for your precious time and attention and please do make this holiday the best ever!

Academy of Lymphology, LLC

Copyright 2017 International Academy of Lymphology. All Rights Reserved.
Academy of Lymphology, LLC, 658 W. 700 N., Clearfield, UT 84015, United States of America
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